Dog Yawns Decoded: What They Really Mean

By Matt Swulinski November 29, 2023

Dogs are limited in the way they communicate with us. They obviously can’t talk, so they rely on their actions to express what they see, feel, and think. 

One of these actions is yawning. A dog yawn can be an expression of multiple different things. Knowing these and what to look for can help you better interpret your dog’s yawns. 

This article will decode yawns. By the end, you’ll have a better idea of the answer to “Why do dogs yawn?”.


One of the best things you can hope for when it comes to dog yawns is happiness. A dog that is feeling deeply relaxed or wonderfully happy will often yawn in response. 

You can tell this is the case with your dog if they are exhibiting other signs of happiness. These signs include wagging their tail, taking a relaxed position, and rolling onto their back for a belly rub. If you see multiple signs of happiness alongside a yawn, there is a good likelihood that they are yawning as an expression of that happiness. 

Related: Why Dogs Whine: Understanding Canine Communication


Humans yawn when they are tired. The same is true for dogs. If your dog isn’t getting enough sleep or is exhausted for another reason, they will often yawn in response. 

Look for other signs of exhaustion to tell if this is the case for your dog. These include a lack of focus, overactive behaviors, constant licking of the paws, excessive barking, and a loss of appetite. They may even refuse to go on walks. If you notice these indicators alongside yawning, it is likely that your pet isn’t getting enough rest. 

To fix this, you need to get to the root of the issue. Is their bed comfortable enough, and do they appear to like sleeping in it? If not, then consider changing it. Are they constantly limping or exhibiting signs of pain that may prevent them from sleeping? If so, this pain will need to be addressed to provide them with a good night’s sleep. Are you just not giving them enough time to lie down throughout the day? If so, make sure to give them more time to rest. 

In general, you need to determine why your pet isn’t getting enough rest. If you need help, don’t be afraid to reach out to your vet. 

A close-up picture of a dog’s head as they are sleeping


Dogs often yawn due to stress, anxiety, or even fear. Any of these feelings, especially when built up over a long period of time, can cause a dog to yawn. 

To determine if this is the case for your pet, observe them for a while. Check if they seem relaxed in general or if they appear to be tense all the time. In addition, consider if there is anything you know of that would bother them. 

You should also take note of when they start yawning. For example, if they start yawning whenever you have company over and stop soon after they leave, the company may be causing stress. Your dog may have trouble dealing with strangers and may spend the duration of the visit in a high state of stress. Once you’ve determined this is true, you can start working with your pet to deal with their fear of strangers. Eventually, this will allow them to feel more secure when you have company over. 

If your dog is exhibiting stress and anxiety in situations they have to deal with frequently, you might also want to consider helping them reduce this anxiety. An herbal supplement like calming hemp oil could help them feel calmer.

Want to help your patients fight the stress they feel when they go to the vet’s office? Learn more about becoming a Rooted Owl veterinary partner.

Boredom or Frustration

If your dog often yawns when you are teaching them new tricks, the answer may come from boredom or frustration. Either of these are common expressions during the learning process. 

Boredom comes when your pet isn’t stimulated enough. They may not find the activity you are doing to be challenging enough. In this case, they are craving more stimulation, and you can respond by giving it to them. Try taking them for a run or having them chase a ball for a while. Once they’ve burnt off a little energy, you can return to the trick. 

Frustration comes when they are having trouble learning. In this case, they don’t understand the trick you are trying to teach them and are getting angry with having to repeat it over and over again. In this case, you have to deal with their frustration. Once again, a little break can be helpful. You can take them for a walk or just let them have some time to themself. Then, return to the trick once they have had some time away from it. 

Related: Sleep Twitches: Why Dogs Move at Night

They Are Connecting with You

Most people are familiar with the fact that yawns are contagious. When one person in a room yawns, the people who see this are more likely to yawn as well. Did you know that dogs can pick up yawns as well? 

If a dog sees you yawn, they may mirror the action back to you. They do this by yawning in response. This is their way of establishing a connection with you.

When to Be Concerned about Dog Yawns

In general, dog yawns aren’t something to be too concerned about. Yawns from happiness, boredom, frustration, or that are a form of connection aren’t a cause for any concern at all. 

However, yawns from stress or exhaustion can be a concern if they are serious enough. Both can lead to medical problems if they are allowed to get bad enough. 

You can start by attempting to deal with these issues on your own. However, if you can’t deal with them, you should reach out to a professional. Your veterinarian will have the experience necessary to understand the issue and be able to help you. 

Does your dog have trouble sleeping to the point where they are exhausted? Try some calming hemp oil to help them get the rest they need. 

A dog yawns while lying with its owner

Getting Your Dog Calm

If you want your dog to rest more or need them to destress, you can look toward holistic approaches for help. The natural ingredients in Rooted Owl’s calming hemp oil have a number of potential benefits. You may find that this is your ideal approach to addressing your pet’s stresses or getting them to rest after a long day. 

Plus, you can help your pup while not worrying about harmful ingredients. Our products are made from USDA-certified organic ingredients and are formulated by animal health experts. 

Why Do Dogs Yawn?

Dog yawns can be confused because they can mean several different things. However, armed with the knowledge in this article, you can decode this mystery. Doing so will give you an advantage when dealing with your dog and allow you to respond to their needs accordingly. 

Related: When Old Dogs Stop Eating: Understanding the Reasons and Taking Action