Why Dogs Whine: Understanding Canine Communication

By Jozef Bobok December 19, 2023

Dogs communicate in many different ways. Barking, growing, and even physical changes are all a way they can tell everyone how they are feeling or what they need. One of the most noticeable, and perhaps most annoying, methods of communication for dogs is whining. 

So, why do dogs whine? What does it mean when they do it? The answers to these questions can be found right below. 

They Want You to Do Something

There is a lot that your dog can’t do. They can’t reach their favorite toy if it is sitting on a table, they can’t put food into their food bowl, and they can’t silence a loud noise that is bothering them. In any of these cases and many more, they are relying on you to fix the problem for them. To let you know they need your help, they whine. 

The solution for most of these problems is to determine what they want and give it to them. Usually, they will try to indicate what they want so that the solution is easier to find. For example, if they want more food, they will likely be near their food bowl, whereas if they want their toy, they will likely be near where it is located. 

However, for some of these problems, giving in to their demands is not good. Food is a great example of this. If they are an older dog with appetite problems, telling you they want food is a great thing. Meanwhile, if they just want more food outside of their scheduled time, you will need to train them to stop whining. 

Related: Why Does My Dog Not Want To Walk?

They Want Attention

In general, dogs want attention, and they want it from you. When you aren’t giving them enough attention, they will let you know by whining. 

In these cases, the obvious solution is to give them a little attention. You can play with them, rub their belly, or even go for a walk together. It doesn’t matter what you do; as long as you acknowledge them, they will be happy. 

A dog stares at drinks on a table


They Feel Fear, Stress, or Anxiety

Some dogs have trouble handling certain situations. In these situations, they become afraid, stressed, or anxious. Sometimes, they may even be a combination of all three. To deal with this problem, they whine to solicit your help. 

In order to help them, you need to find out what the problem is. Start by paying attention to when they whine and look for any patterns that you can notice. For example, if they start whining as soon as you leave the house each day, they may have separation anxiety. Meanwhile, if they start whining as soon as a guest walks through the door, they may be afraid of strangers. 

How you tackle the issue will depend on the source of the problem. For separation anxiety, you may want to look into calming products that will allow your pet to relax while you are outside of the house. For a fear of strangers, you may want to reward your pet with praise and treats while they are in the presence of strangers so that they will eventually start to form positive associations with strangers. With every dog and every situation, you will have to take an individualized approach to the problem. 

Is your dog whining as a result of stress or anxiety? Check out our calming hemp oil to see if it can help. 

They Are in Pain

While it might sound like your dog is whining, in some cases, they are actually crying. This could be due to some source of pain they are currently struggling with. 

Once again, the solution to this problem depends on the nature of the situation. Different kinds of pain are treated in different ways. So, the first thing you need to do is look for the source of the pain

To find the source of the pain, pay close attention to when your dog is whining and what they are doing. If you notice they are limping, they likely have an issue with their leg or hip. If they whine every time they eat, they could have a dental issue. If their whining doesn’t seem to correlate with any specific activity, they could be suffering from the general pain caused by sickness or arthritis. 

Once you find out what is wrong, you can work with your vet to find a solution. For most issues, they will be able to provide you with pain medication that will help your dog manage their symptoms. They will also work with you on a treatment plan that will vary depending on the issue. 

Related: Dog Yawns Decoded: What They Really Mean

They Are Apologizing

Have you ever accidentally caught your dog doing something that they shouldn’t? Maybe they got into a box of treats or tore up the couch. There is a high likelihood that, upon finding them, they started to whine in response. 

If your dog is whining to apologize, it is likely obvious. However, if you still aren’t sure, you can look for other signs of apology. These include hanging their head and putting their tail between their legs. These signs of apology are so distinctive in dogs that they have been dubbed the “apology bow” by researchers. 

If you determine they are whining to apologize, the best course of action is to accept their apology and move on. You can show this to them by addressing them in some way, even if it is to scold them, and moving on to another activity. 

Are you a veterinarian looking for ways to better serve your four-legged clients? Find out how becoming a veterinary partner with Rooted Owl could help.

Calming Your Dog Naturally

If your dog won’t stop whining, you may want to try using a plant-based method of calming them down. One option is the calming hemp oil available from Rooted Owl. This product uses a natural base of specially selected ingredients to encourage serenity. With it, you may find your dog will be able to move past their whining as they naturally decrease their anxiety and stress.. 

A small dog stands with its mouth open

Answering “Why Do Dogs Whine?”

If your dog is whining, chances are they are doing it for some reason. It could be that they need you to open the door for them to go outside or that they are afraid of something. By determining why they are whining, you can deal with the issue and get them to stop. Doing so improves the way you can communicate with your dog and allows you to get some peace and quiet. 

Related: Sleep Twitches: Why Dogs Move at Night