Natural Anti-Inflammatory for Dogs: Safe and Effective Remedies

By Jozef Bobok October 11, 2023

As our beloved canine companions age or face health challenges, inflammation can become a concerning issue. Much like humans, dogs too can suffer from various conditions that result in inflammation, causing discomfort, and decreased mobility. While there are several pharmaceutical solutions available, an increasing number of pet owners are seeking natural alternatives to help alleviate these symptoms without exposing their pets to potential side effects.

Natural anti-inflammatories for dogs offer a gentler yet effective way to manage and reduce inflammation. These remedies, derived from nature's bounty, can provide relief and improve the quality of life for our four-legged friends. Keep reading to delve into a curated list of safe and effective natural anti-inflammatory options that can make a significant difference in your dog's well-being.

Turmeric: Nature’s Golden Healer

Turmeric, a medicinal herb, stands tall as one of the most potent remedies for inflammation and joint discomfort. The magic lies in its active ingredient - curcumin. Curcumin, a robust antioxidant, fights the wrath of free radicals, the culprits behind discomforting inflammation and joint damage. However, it's essential to maintain moderation; excessive turmeric can thin the blood and lead to digestive issues. Always remember to consult with a veterinarian before introducing turmeric into your dog's diet to ensure optimal safety and effectiveness.

Boswellia Serrata: The Ancient Resin

The resin harvested from the Boswellia serrata tree is not just a traditional remedy but a promising natural agent against inflammation. The mechanism? It suppresses the production of particular leukotrienes that provoke inflammation. Preliminary studies hint at its potential positive impact, with no significant side effects noted. 

Related Link: 10 Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Dogs in 2023

a person feeding a dog

Cinnamon: The Spicy Soother

While scientific literature on cinnamon's anti-inflammatory effects in dogs is scant, anecdotal evidence suggests potential benefits, especially concerning joint discomfort. Some small human trials have affirmed cinnamon's role in combating inflammation. You can safely introduce cinnamon to your canine companion's diet. However, should your pet be due for surgery, it's wise to halt cinnamon intake beforehand due to its blood-thinning properties.

Hawthorn: The Herbal Healer

Hawthorn emerges as a beneficial herb for dogs grappling with arthritis. By stabilizing collagen, the primary protein found in joints, hawthorn may halt the progression of inflammatory diseases. Its prowess in enhancing circulation ensures effective toxin elimination from joints, further bolstering its anti-inflammatory reputation. However, if your dog is on heart disease medication, be wary. Hawthorn can potentially cause a sharp drop in blood pressure when paired with specific medications. Ensure you seek a vet's guidance before introducing hawthorn into your dog's regimen.

Looking for high-quality hemp oil for dogs you can trust? Checkout Rooted Owl today!

CBD/Hemp Oil: The Modern Miracle

CBD, extracted from cannabis, has taken the wellness world by storm, especially for its potential anti-inflammatory and discomfort-relief properties. With its natural origin and promising research-backed benefits, many pet owners are turning to CBD as an alternative to traditional medicines. In dogs, CBD oil can serve as a promising remedy to alleviate joint discomfort and inflammation. Beyond joint issues, it has also shown potential in addressing anxiety, seizures, and other health concerns in pets. The endocannabinoid system, an intricate web within the body that upholds equilibrium, is positively impacted by CBD, which helps restore balance and minimize inflammation. The multiple benefits of CBD contribute to its growing acclaim. Yet, it's imperative to opt for premium CBD products and engage with a trusted and knowledgeable veterinarian to ascertain the optimal dosage and validate the solution’s safety and effectiveness.

Related Link: What is The Difference Between Hemp CBD and Cannabis CBD?

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Nature's Inflammation Busters

Commonly sourced from fish oils, Omega-3 fatty acids are renowned for their potent anti-inflammatory effects. Notably, the fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), have been researched for their ability to alleviate joint discomfort and inflammation in both people and pets. Intriguingly, Omega-3s obstruct certain inflammation pathways, thus substantially curbing the generation of molecules that induce inflammation. For dogs, introducing fish oil supplements can be a game-changer. Not only do they address inflammation, but they also benefit the skin, coat, and overall immune health. When selecting fish oil supplements for your canine companion, ensure they're free from heavy metals and toxins, often a concern with fish-based products. It's advisable to start with a low dose and gradually increase based on your dog's weight and the supplement's EPA/DHA content.

However, a word of caution: while Omega-3s are generally safe, they might cause minor digestive upset in some dogs or thin the blood if given in high amounts. As always, consultation with a veterinarian before introducing Omega-3 supplements can help tailor the perfect dose for your furry friend, ensuring they reap all the benefits without any potential side effects.

Interested in learning more about our Calming Hemp Oil for dogs? Learn more at Rooted Owl today. 

a dog smiling

Embracing Nature's Healing Touch for Your Canine Companion

In the vast realm of canine health and wellness, natural remedies are steadily gaining recognition, offering safer alternatives to traditional medications. These nature-derived solutions not only provide relief from discomfort and inflammation but also enrich your dog's overall well-being. By embracing these natural anti-inflammatories, you're paving the way for a healthier, more vibrant life for your four-legged family member.

If you're keen to explore a top-notch solution that merges nature's potency with scientific backing, look no further. Check out Rooted Owl and discover how their Calming Hemp Oil can offer transformative benefits for your dog. With the power of nature and a touch of innovation, your furry friend's comfort and happiness is just a droplet away.

Related Link: About Rooted Owl