How Rooted Owl™ can help your dog during Fireworks season?

By Animal & Plant Sciences June 23, 2023

What is noise phobia? Noise phobia is an excessive fear of a sound that results in the dog attempting to avoid or escape from the sound. Becoming sound sensitive to loud noises can develop even after a single clap of thunder or one loud firework that can develop into a full-blown phobia or may evolve gradually over time.

But why are some dogs noise phobic and others are not?

In several studies of fear responses to noises, researchers found that factors such as breed, age, sex, past abuse/experience history, reproductive status, length of time with the owner, and early exposure to certain loud noises all impacted how dogs reacted to sounds like fireworks.

A dog's individual temperament is generally hardwired as part of its genetics or epigenetics (the way genes are influenced by environmental factors) and can play a role in how they overcome fear secondary to loud noise.  An example of epigenetic influence is when a mother (dog or human) experiences high stress during pregnancy, the high levels of cortisol produced can negatively affect the microenvironment of the fetus and associated negative effects on the baby.

Another interesting fact is that fear risk increases with age in dogs, which can be connected to pain or even lack of ability to protect itself. They also perceive sounds differently as they age. Older dogs lose the ability to detect higher frequency sounds, which provide cues to where the sound is coming from. The inability to locate sounds can increase stress severity and result in worsening phobia.

How do you know if your dog is afraid or showing signs of firework phobia?

The loud noise and unpredictability of fireworks may cause dogs to perceive them as a threat. This may trigger their fight-or-flight response which can lead to fearful behaviors such as hiding (even in unusual places like bathtubs), panting, drooling, shaking, restlessness, pacing, urinating, defecating, destructive behavior, and barking. A fearful dog might seek out his human family; try to escape the noise by jumping through windows or chewing through walls, and running away.


Although there is no cure for noise phobia, treatment approaches include behavior modification (training techniques), environmental controls and medical management (which can include both pharmaceuticals as well as alternative medication such as hemp-derived CBD.

How can hemp-derived CBD support your pet during fireworks?

CBD (or cannabidiol) is 1 out of 700 compounds found in the cannabis plant and works along in conjunction with the endocannabinoid system (a specialized neuromodulating system within all mammal bodies) to create a sense of calmness and balance.

Why Rooted Owl™ Calming oil vs others? 

RO is It’s the only organic whole plant hemp-derived CBD product on the market formulated with specific calming cannabinoids, terpenes and botanicals.  Scientific publications and years of clinical experience went into formulating this product with 10 intentionally selected ingredients.  5 cannabinoids, 3 terpenes and organic ashwagandha in organic sesame oil (to aid in the absorption of cannabinoids and terpenes).

Ashwagandha has been around for centuries in Indian medicine and is now widely recognized as an effective and natural healing remedy during stressful situations in both dogs and humans.

How to administer Rooted Owl™ calming oil?

We recommend you consider starting this oil a few days (or even weeks) in advance so you can confirm which dose is best tolerated and works best to promote calmness and relaxation.  Once you confirm your pet's optimal dose and timing to give it then you are good to go for July 4th! 

If you are unable to try the oil in advance, consider giving the dose as directed on the label (and product insert) about 1 hour prior to the start of the fireworks.  This product can be safely re-administered if no effect is noted within 4 hours. 

Tips for administering the oil to your pet:

  • Please the dose directly into the mouth of your pet
  • Place the dose in/on a treat or pill pocket(s). You may need multiple for larger doses.
  • Place the dose onto a piece of bread (with peanut butter, cream cheese, etc)
  • Place the dose onto soft food or something tasty (baby food, tuna fish, etc) and confirm the pet eats the entire amount (no residual treatment left in the bowl).

    Other ways to support calmness and reduce stress during Fireworks:

    In addition to using Rooted Owl™ Calming oil, consider some of these other ideas to create a sense of safety.

    • Reduce stimulation by turning down lights and reducing noise (as much as possible) by closing windows. Even play calming music at a low volume. 
    • Provide them a familiar blanket or toy and a comfy place to hide (under a table, even make them a fort!)
    • Give them positive reinforcement with kind and loving words as well as gentle physical touch. Let them know you are there with them and they are safe.