Why Does My Dog Not Want To Walk?

By Gustavo Brusa December 18, 2023

Your dog needs to take walks. They should, at minimum, be going on a 10 to 15-minute walk each day and more than that in most cases. So, what happens if your dog doesn't want to walk? 

First off, you need information. You need to know why dogs sometimes refuse to go on a walk. Then, you need to know the techniques you can use to get them walking again. You’ll find all of this right here. 

New Walkers

While there are several reasons your dog may not walk, one of the most common is that they just aren’t used to the idea of walking with a person. This is common for puppies, rescue dogs, or dogs who were never trained by their former owners. Getting these dogs to start walking properly means getting them used to the entire concept. 

This means walking them through a training process. This process includes a few steps: 

  1. Start by getting them used to the idea of the leash. Put the leash near them and let them smell it. Give them treats when they interact with it so that they associate good feelings with it. 
  2. Next, put the leash on them while they are inside and monitor them to make sure they are alright. Don’t walk around with them; simply let them behave normally, but have the leash attached. Do this for a few minutes initially, but increase the time as they get used to it. 
  3. Now, get them used to the idea of walking alongside you. While inside, call them over and offer them a treat. Have them walk beside you for a while before you give them the treat. Start doing this for short distances, increasing them as they get used to the concept. 
  4. Once they are used to walking alongside you, repeat the process with the leash attached but dragging along the ground. Once again, do this until they become used to the idea. 
  5. Now, start putting the pieces together. Walk them around the house while you hold the leash. Do this until they are alright with it every time. 
  6. Finally, you can go outside. Take your dog for short walks at first. Then, increase the distances as they get better at walking. 

Related: When Old Dogs Stop Eating: Understanding the Reasons and Taking Action

Reasons Your Dog Doesn’t Want to Walk and How to Fix Them

If your dog is already used to walking and decides to stop doing so, there are a few common reasons. Luckily, each problem has a solution you can use to fix it. 

A dog runs around with a leash attached but without someone holding on to it

Their Leash or Collar is Bothering Them

Not all leashes and collars are built the same. It is possible that the one you have for your dog doesn’t suit them for some reason. They may not like how it feels, or they could be allergic to the material it is made from. 

Luckily, the solution here is simple: just use something different. You can try different collars made from different materials to see if one gets a better response. You can also try using a harness instead, as some dogs prefer the way this holds them better. 

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Anxiety creates all sorts of problems for dogs. If it is bad enough, it may even prevent them from wanting to go on walks at all. They may be fearful of the outdoors, of things outside, or even of you taking them for walks. 

The best approach to dealing with this is to get them used to things in small doses. Start by making sure they are completely comfortable with you. Give them treats, praise, love, and attention until you are sure they are no longer afraid of you. Try some belly rubs as a way to really show you care. 

Then, you can start taking them for different kinds of walks. Go at a different time of day, like early in the morning or late at night. See if they respond better with fewer people around. As you walk, try to see if you can tell what they are afraid of. That way, you can know what to avoid in the future. 

You can also use treatments to help them deal with their anxiety. For example, you can try to use a calming hemp oil. This may allow your pet to calm down enough to make walking possible. 

Related: Why Dogs Whine: Understanding Canine Communication


Some types of pain will make your dog want to walk less. Specifically, if their legs are injured, they will want to avoid putting pressure on them. You can get an idea that this is happening if you notice they are limping. However, other types of pain can also make them less likely to walk as well.

The best way to deal with a dog that won’t walk due to pain is to find the cause of the pain. Contact your vet and explain what is happening. They can help you find the source of the pain and, thus, address it. This could happen through painkillers or some form of treatment. 

Do you need to calm your dog down every now and then for a trip to the vet? Our calming hemp oil uses several powerful ingredients to help calm your pet. 

They Are Exhausted

You wouldn’t want someone forcing you to walk if you were exhausted, would you? The same is true for your dog. If they aren’t sleeping well or they are tired from other activities, they won’t have much energy left to go for a walk. 

Look for the signs that indicate this is the case. You’ll notice your pet yawning more often or taking any opportunity they can to lie down. 

Luckily, the solution here is obvious: make sure your dog gets enough rest. Set them up in a comfortable bed and give them time to themself. If the problem still doesn’t resolve, contact your vet to see if there are any deeper issues at play. 

A New Way to Calm Your Dog

If your dog gets nervous before a walk, you may want something to calm them down. Forcing them to go on a walk when they’re feeling anxious will just make them more resistant to the walk. 

Our calming hemp oil contains THC, terpenes, and ashwagandha. This allows for a natural and plant-based approach to calming your dog. Many other pet owners have found hemp oil to be a more holistic approach to fighting their pets’ anxiety. 

A dog and its owner go for a walk in a field


What to Do When Your Dog Doesn’t Want to Walk

If your dog doesn't want to walk, there is likely a reason. Work with them to find out what is wrong and how serious the issue is. Once you determine this, you can work with them toward a solution. Eventually, they’ll be walking with you like normal.

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