Sesame Oil for Dogs: Is It Safe and Beneficial?

By Matt Swulinski December 15, 2023

Many people don’t think much about their dog’s diet. They give them a normal serving of dry dog food each day but don’t consider the issue much beyond that. 

However, dogs' diets are incredibly important to their overall health. What they eat impacts how they feel, the health issues they face, and even their energy levels throughout the day. This leads careful dog owners to consider everything they can do to improve the diet of their furry friend. 

If you’re one of these careful dog owners, you may have heard of sesame oil for dogs. So, can dogs have sesame oil? Is it good for them? Keep reading to find out. 

Can Dogs Have Sesame Oil?

Yes, dogs can have sesame oil. There isn’t anything in sesame oil that will directly harm most dogs out there. 

However, like anything, it is important to remember that sesame oil should only be taken in moderation. It is high in calories and, because of this, can cause your dog to gain weight. Thus, sesame oil works better as an occasional supplement rather than a major part of your pet’s diet. 

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Benefits of Sesame Oil for Dogs

Sesame oil has several potential benefits for dogs. These range from dealing with specific issues to helping to improve their health in general. 


For one, sesame oil is filled with antioxidants. These are compounds that can have a number of beneficial effects on dogs. The primary benefit is a potential reduction in the number of substances in the body that can lead to cell damage, like free radicals. However, an improved immune system and better cognitive function are possible as well. 

Fight Inflammation

Sesame oil can also serve as a soldier in the fight against inflammation. Inflammation is a common source of pain for dogs, especially dogs with arthritis. By fighting against inflammation, sesame oil has the potential to provide relief from at least some of this pain. So, if you’ve noticed signs of pain in your dog, like limping when they walk, you may want to consider an option like this. 

Looking for more natural solutions to help your dog feel their best? Try our calming hemp oil to help your pup feel calm and relaxed. 

Omega-6 Fatty Acids

Sesame oil contains omega-6 fatty acids. These fatty acids are an essential part of your dog’s diet. They help with your dog’s blood pressure, fight against blood clotting, promote normal brain function, help regulate their metabolism, and do a whole lot more on top of this. Despite the incredible importance of omega-6 fatty acids for the health of dogs, many dog foods don’t contain high enough levels of these acids. This makes supplementation necessary in some form. 

A dog eats from a bowl of dog food

Regulate Blood Sugar

Finally, sesame oil can potentially help regulate blood sugar. Dogs with canine diabetes will have a hard time regulating their blood sugar on their own. So, they need all the help they can get in this regard. 

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Risks of Sesame Oil for Dogs

The risks presented by sesame oil are not that prominent. However, they still can be a hazard for some dogs. 

The biggest risk is the potential for a dog allergy. Dogs can be allergic to sesame oil and, thus, experience a negative reaction if they eat it. This will vary from dog to dog, so make sure your dog isn’t allergic before you give them a dose of sesame oil. 

The other risk from sesame oil comes from the fact that it is high in fat. As previously mentioned, this makes it less healthy when it comes to calories. A diet rich in fats like sesame oil will cause your pet to put on weight and potentially lead to obesity in the long run. 

A high-fat diet can also lead to other problems for dogs. Specifically, it can cause vomiting or diarrhea. If you notice either of these symptoms after you start giving your dog sesame oil, immediately cut back on their consumption. 

How to Give Your Dog Sesame Oil

If the benefits of sesame oil sound good to you and your pet isn’t allergic to it, you can start giving your dog doses of sesame oil. However, you shouldn’t just feed it to them haphazardly. You need to find a dosage and delivery method that will work for your dog. 

For dosage, you can start with half a teaspoon for small dogs or a full teaspoon for larger dogs each day. If your dog seems to like it or has a bad reaction, you can adjust this dosage as you see fit. 

For a more specific and informed approach to dosage, you should also consider reaching out to your dog’s veterinarian. Their vet will have in-depth knowledge about your dog’s current condition. This gives them insight that they will use to offer advice on dosage. For example, if they have determined your dog is overweight, they may advise you to give a lower dosage or to avoid using sesame oil at all. 

When it comes to actually feeding your dog sesame oil, don’t just give it to them straight. Instead, work it into their food. You can do this by simply pouring it over the dry food you normally give them. This has the added advantage of potentially making this food more appetizing. This could make it a great choice for older dogs who don’t eat as often

In the unlikely event that your dog doesn’t like taking sesame oil with their food, you can try to provide them with more incentive to take it. Pair eating foods with sesame oil with other incentives. As they eat some, give them praise, belly rubs, or even treats. Soon enough, they will get used to the concept and eat freely. 

Want to learn more about other supplements you can give your dog? Contact Rooted Owl to find out about more options. 

Other Beneficial Oils

If you’re looking into other potentially beneficial oils for your dog, make sure to look at what Rooted Owl has to offer. Our calming hemp oil contains ashwagandha, a botanical remedy that has been used as an ancient medicine alongside THC and terpenes. This makes it a great choice for any dog owner who wants to calm their furry friend. Plus, you can rest easy knowing our oil is made from USDA-certified organic ingredients and formulated by pet health experts.  

A person holds a vial of oil with a dropper

Giving Dogs Sesame Oil

As long as your dog isn’t allergic, it is entirely safe to give them sesame oil. In fact, doing so can provide them with potentially helpful vitamins and nutrients. Just make sure to give it in moderation, as too much sesame oil can be fattening. With all of this in mind, you are ready to start supplementing your pet’s diet with sesame oil. 

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